Make a way to utilize multiple BBMS accounts on a single Donation Form

For memebrs to be able to give to, for instance, a capital campaign (with a unique BBMS/Bank Account), and the general fund (primary checking/BBMS account) in portal and mobile mission (both of which currently only host one Donor Form at a time). As it currently functions i have to decide whether Portal / Mobile Mission serve the general fund OR the capital campaign. It should be able to do both.

  • Will Norman
  • Feb 9 2022
  • Attach files
  • Will Norman commented
    February 09, 2022 19:26

    Solution Idea #1: Link BBMS Accounts to FUNDS, rather than to FORMS. This way when a person selects a fund on any donor form, the gift gets routed to whichever BBMS account that FUND is set up to fund. This seems best to be because donors could, in theory, still split gifts ($20 per month, $10 to general and $10 to Capital) and each portion gets disbursed in the appropriate account.

    Solution Idea #2: Allow Forms to process through more than one BBMS account, selectable for each fund made available on the form.

    Solution Idea #3 (which I don't like as much): allow Portal and Mobile Mission to host more than one Donor Form at a time.