Annual Giving Statements: Outstanding issues

I would like to see a comprehensive plan and solution for the outstanding Annual (and Quarterly) Giving Statements that have been discussed since 2019. I'm copying and pasting suggestions from Josh that need to be implemented and prioritized. I understand that BB requires an Idea in this Idea bank to consider the requests and our 37 collective replies on the Community discussion board are not sufficient to move this forward. While there are some piecemeal requests in the Idea board, I think these comprehensive lists from the Community board create a good explanation of the issues and solutions we need.

2019 Asks:

  1. The process of running Annual Giving Statements needs to be more simple that it is now. Printing contribution statements from our two previous systems (ACS and Seraphim) was much easier.

  2. There needs to be a way to print statements so that they fit windowed envelopes instead of having to print labels (and the time it takes to physically match the label to statement and apply the label to an envelope).

  3. The statement needs to include both head and spouse (this is the biggest issue for us!).

Oct . 1, 2020 Asks:

  1. Giving statements only include one spouse. Normally in the church environment, a giving statement incudes husband and spouse, and we believe this should be what Church Management produces. When church donors receive their giving statements, they want to see each spouse on the giving statement from the church (Mr. and Mrs. John Smith for example).

  2. Also, each spouse will want to see all gifts from the family in their individual giving history in the client portal. This can be accomplished by adding soft credits to the spouse. However, adding soft credits is a laborious process when going through a batch of gifts (you have to click add soft credit, find the spouse and enter a dollar amount).

  3. When entering gifts using the check scanner, the check scanner can pick up and credit either spouse with a gift. For instance, a check that includes a husband and wife may pick up the husband one time and the wife the next and can randomly select either one from there on out. This means that a giving statement will be produced for both spouses, splitting their gifts between them based on what was pulled by the check scanner when the gift was entered. This caused a tremendous amount of complaints and aggravation from church members from the 2019 giving statements. (There is no field to add a soft credit when using the scanner).

  4. We are trying to fix this before it happens this year by merging gifts. However, when merging gifts in web view, the spouse who originally had the gift is marked inactive, which should not happen. The constituent is not marked inactive in database view, so we started merging gifts in database view. However, this is a step that we believe should not need to be taken by the user in the first place.

  5. This is an issue with online gifts as well. Depending on which spouse donates, if both spouses are credited with gifts during the calendar year, each could receive their own statement.

  6. Although there is a very small percentage (less than 1%) of married couples that want to receive separate giving statements, we believe the default should be that each spouse should receive credit for the gift. So whether the back office is looking at the constituent through church management or the donor is looking at gifts through the congregant portal, either spouse will see all gifts given under each of their records. We think separating gifts should be the manual process rather than giving soft credits.

In summary, we are trying to recommend:

  1. Contribution statements that include head and spouse for all gifts given by either during the year and labels that match the recipients.

  2. Gifts given by either head or spouse to be credited to both in their giving histories.

Additional Response from another BB user: "This is so critical! If giving isn't handled in a clear, professional manner we lose donors and that is not an acceptable result of our migration to BB. I believe enough of us have weighed in on this topic to make it your #1 Q4 priority -- especially since these functions have been promised for more than a year now. We were led to believe that BB was built out from a fundraising platform but receipting of those raised funds seems to be the lowest priority in Church Management. That doesn't make sense!"

  • Erin McKenney
  • Oct 13 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Janis Worley commented
    June 04, 2021 13:39

    Okay - so it's now June, and all of us that work with the giving statements know that the calendar year end is not that far off (and for some like me, our fiscal year ended in May so this is a priority to me right now). Where do we stand with this?? It was made very obvious at the end of 2020 that these statements were an issue that needed high priority - when we we start seeing changes?

  • Sharon Roberts commented
    April 27, 2021 20:31

    These ideas are really important! We also need the donations to be broken out by fund. We are doing our statements manually at the moment because we know the backlash we are going to have when our statements give less information than our parishioners are used to.

  • Jordan Cary commented
    November 24, 2020 13:20

    Blackbaud is now saying “there are not going to be any updates to the statements before this tax season”. Obviously this is extremely frustrating. Here’s a community topic with additional conversation based on this recent announcement.

  • Jordan Cary commented
    November 18, 2020 17:29

    Blackbaud team, any further updates on this?

  • Diana Mergen commented
    October 28, 2020 15:44

    Another issue I noticed is when printing multiple statements at once, some gifts are marked with "#". It is not until the very last page of ALL the statements that the "#" explained. It says, "# Donates soft credit gift recipients Note: Since gifts have been credited to more than one constituent, report totals may be inaccurate. First of all, if "#" appears next to a giving amount, that should be explained on each page, not just on the very last page of the entire report. What good is that? Second, no one wants to read on their tax statement that totals may be inaccurate! Third, if we could add more charters to the footnote, we could explain "#" there. As it is, we don't even have enough space to add the disclosure that our attorneys are asking us to write.

  • Jordan Cary commented
    October 15, 2020 14:01

    Can someone from Blackbaud please respond to this thread with an update? I think it’s clear from the comments and votes that this is an urgent need which you have neglected to address.

  • Suzanne Boué commented
    October 13, 2020 18:15

    Thank you for consolidating, Erin. Agree with all others - these are CRITICAL needs.

  • DeAnna VandenHam commented
    October 13, 2020 17:05

    Thank you, Erin, for put this together! This is indeed a critical need and needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY!

  • Rita Asbury commented
    October 13, 2020 16:27

    Rita Asbury
    Trinity Cathedral

  • Julie Wood commented
    October 13, 2020 16:08

    Needs to be addressed ASAP!

  • Jordan Cary commented
    October 13, 2020 16:00

    Very important, and something that BB promised a long time ago and has completely dropped the ball on. Looking forward to a prompt resolution.

  • Julianne McKeel commented
    October 13, 2020 15:09

    Please BB, double your efforts on this!