Show Small Groups on Main Calendar

I'd love for small group events to appear on the main calendar. At least maybe a check box that allows you to select that the small group meeting shows on the main calendar.

  • Guest
  • Nov 21 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Chris Cara commented
    September 01, 2021 18:44

    While we are at it....the calendar needs a little more functionality. For one, you cannot print a list of events with or without details. The export to Outlook is awesome but just not enough. Custom fields in an event would be a big bonus also. The capability to add information such as physical plant requirements, contact person, Etc. would put it in line with other calendaring solutions we have used in the past. The same fields would be present in all events, not added for each event.

  • Jessica Thurnes commented
    February 12, 2021 18:52

    This absolutely needs to happen. The calendar is useless if all of the events are not on it.

  • Tara Cain commented
    February 10, 2021 21:59

    This is a basic request. Please make it happen.

  • Erin McKenney commented
    February 10, 2021 21:41

    Is there any movement on this idea? We would love to see some added functionality that gives us the ability to select whether to add something to the main calendar or keep separate. It is tedious and a waste of time to have to add something to a small group calendar so that the small group can see it and then also add it to the Events calendar to make sure it reserves the room. And it is important to remember that Small Groups are not classes so we can't just create a class in lieu of a small group. Any updates would be great!

  • Katie Lancaster commented
    September 28, 2020 20:23

    This is CRITICAL for getting full-organization-wide buy in for using the calendar. YES. Please. Sooner the better.

  • Chris Cara commented
    September 26, 2020 15:17

    And.....should block out rooms. I am forced to create placeholder events which is double the work.