Events - ability to copy an event & ability to copy a registration from a prior event. Also maybe consider hosting the registrations on a separate page so they can be attached to an event or reoccurring event series

Many events that administrators set up are re-occurring or seasonal or have similar type criteria that would be gathered for an event. It is tedious to have to re-do events (large churches can have over 120 different type events going on in multiple ministries) and re-do registrations for each individual event. The ability to copy an event w room bookings and copy a registration w criteria would simplify an admins work and increase efficiency.

Also it is very hard to find the registration for a reoccurring event (eg. mom's ministry meets fall through spring on Thursdays, and may be open for moms to register at any time through out the year, but the registration lives on day 1 instead of accessible from every reoccurrence through the end.) You have to remember what was day 1 to view the registration.

Recommendation to house the registrations on a registrations page allowing the reoccurring event to link to registration and ability to access the registration from the registration page and or via the event.

  • Patti Quigley
  • Nov 1 2021
  • Attach files
  • Rachel DeRosa commented
    November 03, 2021 17:59

    YES! Yes to all of this. I don't understand why there is a "Copy" function on Events when you can't copy the details and use it for a different day! This happens with recurring events, but also with totally different events but would use the same style of sign-up questions.

    Also would be so beneficial to have better viewing options of customized event Participant Options. Having to click through for multiple questions for EACH constituent is kind of the worst. It's not user friendly or reader friendly.