Please add a way to create static lists.

In our old system (Seraphim...and ACS for that matter), we had the ability to create a static list.  We could "cherry pick" constituents that we wanted in the list. 

I would use this for a variety of groups that don't fit neatly in a particular area of service or small group.  I also do not want to junk up the number of constituent codes that I have. 

It appears that I can create a static list by through Constituents > lists > build a new list and then add constituents to the list.  However, once I add individuals, a ton more constituents appear in the list.  I was told in the community board this is the way it was supposed to work.  Please add the ability to create static lists from scratch.


Thank you, Josh

  • Josh Heath
  • Nov 20 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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