Our VBS page has an option to register your child, and another option to register your child and purchase a t-shirt. In order to add a t-shirt size requested we have to add a participation option into the form asking what size t-shirt the child would want. When we export who has a t-shirt sale it shows the parent who has paid as unattending in the list, then in a column it says guest of (childs name). We can't find a way to sort the list (after export) on who paid and the childs name so we can grab the shirt size he needs. So below is an example:
This parent has kids with 2 last names, I sorted by the last name of the unattended, then you can see there is a list of names next to his name of the kids. I have to go find the jones kids now to get their sizes. If the export listed each participation option next to a single sign up we could sort by the cost and it would pull all the names together with their options, including t-shirt sizes. Right now it creates a row for each name put in, after each next section of the form. That seems unnecessary.
If there is an easier way of designing the form let me know.