We need to have the ability to filter by date based on Faith Journey Step.

The ability to filter by date based on Faith Journey step would make it possible to create a list of everyone baptized in a certain date range, or married over a certain number of years. For example, if we wanted to send cards to people who have been married 25 years, or contact people on the anniversary of their Baptism.

  • Chris Weber
  • Jun 7 2021
  • Shipped
  • Jul 8, 2021

    Admin response

    We've added new Filters to Lists that enable you to filter Faith Journey along with Dates. Look for "Journey Steps" in Filters.

  • Attach files
  • Kristy Kaufman commented
    June 08, 2021 18:46

    I just got off with talking to Scott (support) about this very issue. We need to show for our district numbers how many people got baptized since 6/1/20. And there is not way to search that. We have 1400 baptisms logged. We can't go one by one checking dates. This is so super important and I would think would be an easy report to build.