Add the ability to use membership status as a criteria in database view

When pulling member lists in webview, I cannot get all the data I need, and in the right data fields, this can only be accomplished in database view. But in database view we are unable to query using membership status as a criteria. Please correct this discrepancy!

  • Janis Worley
  • Mar 24 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Alex Morris commented
    October 21, 2021 20:01

    I'm hoping this gains more traction soon, it seems to have stagnated. Database view is faster than webview and much more flexible (at least for my job), but what should be a simple task often turns into a tedious journey full of workarounds. This could all be avoided if the Membership Status criteria is added to database view.

  • Anthony Pisano commented
    May 03, 2021 20:18

    Thanks Sharon this is very helpful. I'll take a look!

  • Sharon Roberts commented
    April 22, 2021 13:37

    So here's another issue I've come across that could be alleviated with member status/journey steps in database view. We have to pull a list of baptisms, First Communicants, Confirmands by date with parent names for reporting and recording purposes. I can pull a list of who received the sacrament. I can make it a static query. I can get the names of the parents in the output, but by that time I've lost all the info from the webview (date of sacrament, etc.). I can't get the "views" to talk to each other because the Member status/journey steps aren't available in the database view. Or give us many more options in the columns for the webview.

  • Anthony Pisano commented
    April 09, 2021 20:13

    Thanks Sharon - bulk updates (or global changes) is good feedback and one we have heard from a few others. Its not currently something we're working on but is something we could talk about once we get through a few bigger things we're working on right now.

    Filtering out non-Head of Household is in Constituent Lists but you are correct that we also don't have Addressee/Salutation as Columns that can export. I can follow up on that.

    Regarding your Membership Status Date, if you had that in your legacy system you converted from, we should have converted that into this field (instead of 1/25/21 for everyone). I'd recommend reaching out to your conversion person to see if that was a mistake.

  • Sharon Roberts commented
    April 09, 2021 14:18

    I can't do a global change by member status in database view right now. We would like to change our inactive parishioners to former parishioners (our congregation summary says we have 25,000 parishioners and most of those are inactive) but will have to do that one at a time manually for 5,000 people.

    Also, we can't get addressee or group by Head of Household in web view. And it's impossible right now to pull a list of people who became a member for a specifice date range. Only the date they were added (which in our case 99.9% of those are 1/25/21 since that's when our database was implemented.

    Those are just my thoughts. I'm sure others have their own experiences.

  • Anthony Pisano commented
    April 09, 2021 13:43

    I don't see a path where we write membership data back to database view - really just from the fact that there is nowhere to put it.

    I would love to understand what additional data you add in database view that isn't available in Lists. If you want to send me some of those fields, I'm happy to see what's possible there.

    You could also create a List using Membership Status as the criteria (or create a list from a specific drill in on membership in the Congregation Summary) and in Lists you can save that as a Static Query in database view.

    I'm happy to look for a solution here with the traction we're getting on this Idea and the corresponding thread!

  • Guest commented
    April 03, 2021 21:27

    Hi! I am just curious what information that you are looking for? We have had very good success with Lists using Columns & Filters. We have some Custom Fields that we set that are in the filters too.