Flexible criteria for Rosters

The current functionality for promotion, related to rosters and classes is limited, and causes a lack of flexibility if you want automation. At current, a roster can be built automatically based on age or grade assignment. However, if that roster needs to be any more specific than that, users must create a "no-criteria" roster and update it manually.

In a common use case, a church may have classes based on specific campuses, or based on other criteria (i.e. gender) that would need to promote. In the current model, this requires creating a "no-criteria" roster and adding participants manually. Here are some features that would help with that:

  • As a user, I can create a roster based on criteria including in filter available in a list - including campus (constituent code), grade, gender, marital status, completion of a registration form etc.

  • As a user, I can assign people to a roster upon completion of a registration form.

  • As a user, I can automate addition to a specific roster, based on the answer to a question in a registration form.

  • Elliott Wood
  • Jan 7 2021
  • Shipped
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  • Chris Cara commented
    September 01, 2021 18:36


    Sorry but I just saw this update here. Great movement toward populating classes and groups. What I am interested in also, that I don't see addressed, is promotion. Promotion is limited in flexibility. In an idea I posted, I asked about the capability to "Map" rosters in the promotion process. For example: I have a 10th Grade Boys class and and 10th Grade Girls class. How would I promote the boys to 11th Grade Boys, and the girls to 11th Grade Girls? As it is, 10th Grade Girls would promote to 11th Grade boys.

    Thanks in advance for addressing this.

  • Anthony Pisano commented
    September 01, 2021 14:56

    Haven't received any additional comments on this so closing this down. You can now create both a Small Group and a Class using a Constituent List.

  • Anthony Pisano commented
    July 08, 2021 18:52

    On 7/8/21 we released the ability to populate a Class using a Constituent List. Would love additional feedback on capability as it pertains to this Idea. Leaving it open for now but may split this up in the future.