I am looking for a query or report on class attendance over a date range. I wanted a list of the children attending since August.
Today we released the Full Attendance History for Classes. This view will show attendance over a time period for a specific class.
To access this, open a class and click the link at the bottom of the "Class schedule" tile.
The Attendance History Grid is coming to Classes
There seems to be an extreme drive to export data out of BB into Excel to get the answers we are looking for. Not all church's have someone on staff with the time and wherewithal to perform such a task. Analysis with printable reports that can be formatted or even in the beginning, are canned would be generous. I also agree with Elliott Wood. It makes more since if there is consistency. Class functionality should replicate small groups.
The exporting function is useful if the admin using it is a data analytics expert. BB needs to provide on screen and printable reporting. A good start would be to replicate the functionality for small group attendance reporting in the classes function. Ideally, a church could produce those reports for 1 or more classes at a time. For example, produce a report of all Kids ministry Sunday School classes in one selection, and save the settings for that report so that they can produce it each week. Print the attendance log for all included classes, starting on a new page for each class.
To clarify, did the instructions that I included above solve the problem? Or do you still need help gathering this information into a report?
Thank you. Unfortunately your support team didn't help me with those directions. They suggested I make an idea.
You are able to filter to a date range in the top of Events > Classes > Attendance, and then export that information to Excel, giving you the Individuals who attended each class: https://webfiles.blackbaud.com/files/support/helpfiles/church/content/events-checkin-attendance.html?
Is this what you are looking for? Or am I misunderstanding the suggestion?