Would like to see attendance on constituent records
We have officially enabled the ability to view attendance data and more in the new and improved timeline view.
You can read more about it here: https://webfiles.blackbaud.com/files/support/helpfiles/church/content/bb-timeline.html?
You can now view all of your attendance information and more in the new timeline view! https://community.blackbaud.com/blogs/97/7157
Check it out and let us know what you think.
Yes Renee! We will be working on this in the last quarter of this year. Looking forward to helping solve the problem of being able to quickly view a person's attendance data on their profile.
checking back for updates on this. Anything on the horizon?
We know this is a need to be able to view attendance information on the constituent record page, and we will need to figure out the best way to solve this!
need to see historical attendance by individual constituent -- for example, when they are trying multiple small groups over a period of time.