"Map" of room availability

In Seraphim, we could look at a visual of rooms available or in use. In Blackbaud, we would have to actually add an event to see if the room is available. So, if someone asks if Room A is available for a meeting on this day, we would either have to look at each event on that day, or put in the meeting just to see if it is available. Recommend having a "map" type view option.

  • Tracy Townsend
  • Aug 18 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Katie Lancaster commented
    October 13, 2020 16:21

    this would be amazing.

  • Guest commented
    October 09, 2020 13:52

    This mapping feature was key for us in Seraphim, & we need it back please!

  • Erin McKenney commented
    October 08, 2020 14:20

    Yes! We definitely need this! The current system is very inefficient for checking room availability.

  • Natalie Paczuski commented
    August 20, 2020 20:49

    Definitely agree! We need the Facilities tab to show us which rooms are available/unavailable on a particular day.