Timeline security needed

The timeline tile appears for all users even if all gift security has been removed.The timeline "dots" do not show data if you click on them but even seeing the frequency of giving is more than the church wants to share. Please consider removing the timeline tile if a user/user group does not have any access to gifts or finance.

  • Charmel Dodd
  • Jul 7 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Ben Jore commented
    November 10, 2020 22:05

    This feature has been released! Read all about it here: https://community.blackbaud.com/blogs/97/7276

  • Kristin Spacek commented
    October 29, 2020 17:35

    I agree that the 'giving dots' on the timeline needs to tie back to a persons gift security settings. If a user can't see gifts and giving history, they should not see these dots. But PLEASE do not lump the entire tile together and remove it from those who do not see gifts. The engagement aspect of this tile is amazing! Our leadership needs to see who is attending small groups and classes. They just shouldn't see who is giving or not giving. Thanks.

  • Charmel Dodd commented
    September 02, 2020 12:02

    Thank you.

    Charmel Dodd
    Communications Coordinator

  • Luke Stitzinger commented
    September 01, 2020 21:24

    Hi Charmel,
    We are working on updating the timeline to make sure those gift dots only show for people with finance permissions!
    Thanks for posting this and for everyone that voted to let us know it is a priority