Create a List for DECEASED ONLY

We have reporting obligations for deceased members (along with other life events). Without the ability to create a list for deceased members based on various time frames, or ideally by creating a custom time frame depending on needs, we will have to keep a separate file for deceased members in Excel or Word. This seems to defeat the purpose of having a database management system that is supposed to be the source of information for all members. I've seen similar comments in the Community discussions.

  • Erin McKenney
  • Jun 30 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Chris Cara commented
    February 09, 2022 02:08

    I ran into this last month preparing for Year End Giving Statements. I used a constituent code for deceased and entered the day of death in both the to and from date fields. I think we could have used a Journey Step and may go back and make that change. For whatever reason, when you mark someone deceased, you cannot create a list from that data point which would be the best option and not force additional data entry.