Report of Expired Background Check Requirement

It's great that there is a date value for the background check requirement. We need a way to report on those that have expired so they can be redone. Right now we have to look at each volunteer profile one-by-one.

  • Nancy Shippy
  • Jun 17 2020
  • Shipped
  • Feb 23, 2021

    Admin response

    In the Volunteer tab of Volunteers, you are now able to filter down to volunteers whose requirements will be expiring in the next 90 days or have expired.
    You can also export that list, with their contact information, so you can quickly import them into another solution, such as a background check provider.

    Thank you for letting us know the importance of this problem area with your votes, and please continue to let us know how we can improve the solution!

  • Attach files
  • Luke Stitzinger commented
    September 29, 2020 13:33

    I wanted to give an update on this. It is still slated to be coming up in the next few months on our roadmap. We will not be making our initial Q3 timeframe, and I wanted to give an update on the new timeframe.

  • Luke Stitzinger commented
    June 17, 2020 21:22

    We agree that it is of vital importance to be able to know whose background checks are coming up for expiration and the need to be able to view this information at a glance.
    We have committed to working on this and will be digging into solving this problem in Q3.