It is absolutely vital that we have a way to add new members or guests to a small group for classes that met the day before. Right now we still use roll books on Sundays, and attendance is marked online on Mondays. If we have guests in a group or new members who joined a group that morning, there is no way to mark them as present for the day before. Which makes it impossible to track new guests their first time in a small group, and our counts are incorrect. Can an "effective date" field be added when adding someone to a small group roll that would allow us to include them?
Hi Ben,
I just tried this and it worked great! Thank you for your help and letting
us know about this feature being available now. It truly is a need as
people seem to be guests of groups often or well, they sign up late after
the group has already had it's kick-off meeting.
Thanks! Traci Good
Hi Renee, Sorry I missed this comment when you posted it. The good news is that this feature is shipping today! Try it out and let us know what you think!
Any update on this? It's so important to have accurate attendance records. One example of my issue: we had a small group yesterday that had 5 people attend who were already in the system but not on that particular group's roster. I added them to the roster but it will not let me mark them as present. Any help on the horizon? This is a big problem for us.