Small Group Guest Attendance

Would love to be able to mark someone as a guest of a small group instead of adding them to the actual roster. Some new people will visit multiple small groups before choosing one permanently. We have to add to a roster, then mark attendance, then remove from the roster if they are just attending that group for one week. Can this be simplified? And can the track of each small group attended show up on the constituent record? It helps us to know how they are engaged.

  • Renee Reed
  • Feb 18 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 26, 2021 18:58

    Agreed. Being able to add a Guest to the list would be extremely useful.

  • Chris Cara commented
    October 26, 2020 05:14

    Something like a "+ Headcount" field to Sm Grp Meetings. Much needed.

  • Brie Stacks commented
    April 10, 2020 22:09

    Agreed! Really this is a major issue for us. If someone comes as a guest the small group leader can't take attendance because even if I go to edit the attendance later to add said guest, I can't add anyone that wasn't already on the Participant list. We have so many people in and out of our small groups that it basically makes the leader being able to take attendance not usable.