Volunteer Checkin

Our children's ministry volunteers have previously checked in and received a sticker nametag to wear in the classroom.  Thus our security team could verify that every adult in the room was supposed to be there.  Could you add volunteers to the rosters for checkin?

  • Nancy Shippy
  • Feb 6 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Traci Good commented
    May 11, 2021 14:28

    Hi! Meeting with our Kids Ministry Director now and she is asking about this option of being able to print tags for our volunteers. This is something that we definitely need so parents dropping children off know who is working in the room along with our security team monitoring the rooms. Is there any time frame update on this? Thank you!

  • Chris Cara commented
    March 14, 2021 21:55

    Adding 2 cents.....take roll in a class using the Mobile Mission App. Classes and Small Groups should function and report similarly. Would sure make life easier on my end.

  • Elliott Wood commented
    January 07, 2021 19:25

    I would vote this plus the following enhancements:

    • Provide the ability to assign a teacher, assistant, leader or other "leadership/service" role to a class, and take attendance for all participant roles in the class.

    • As a user I can link a volunteer position to a class

    • As a volunteer, linked to a class, I can check-in to that class.

    • As a volunteer for any volunteer position attached to an event, I can check-in at any kiosk attacked to that event