Inactivating a user

This will be useful because individual pastors are not organizational administrators, but they need full control over users inside the church department.   I'm having an issue in securities/roles/permissions concerning being able to inactivate a user.  I am the pastor of the church, and I add users to the Community Outreach program.  However, people join and quit churches, and I need to be able to inactivate a user that I no longer want access to all things Blackbaud.  I don't want to just restrict what they see, but I want them blocked out.  The only current way to do this is to make me an Admin for all Blackbaud products we use.  This isn't feasible because I'm not in an Admin position for our school or other organizational financial matters.  I'm over the church, so I should be able to add users to Church Management (which I can do) as well as inactivate users of Church Management (which I cannot do).  This is normal compartmentalization. A pastor should not need to go to a senior administrator to do his job. Thanks so much

  • Phillip Kinson
  • Jan 16 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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